A trusted source for CFA® study materials!

Our CFA study materials get right to the point for rapid learning, so you'll save a lot of time and avoid a lot of frustration. We offer study notes in downloadable printable PDF format for hands on tangible learning. The Prof's quick teaching CFA video clips provide in depth demos leading to longer knowledge retention and deeper understanding. Our exam level practice questions will help you recognize the signals and connect the dots to draw correct conclusions to arrive at the correct answer.

  • Dive deep or stay shallow, our CFA study materials fill the curriculum knowledge gaps often overlooked by other providers.

  • CFA curriculum learning examples with the Prof's comments remove doubts by establishing realistic exam expectations.

  • Mock exam style practice questions with detailed solutions provide you with the logic needed to crack the CFA exam code.

  • It's like having a personal CFA study coach tell you what you need to do and how to do it in the most efficient way.

Better than Other CFA Prep Providers?

Our students think so...

  • Our notes are more concise than those offered by other providers, so you'll build a firm grasp of the concepts quicker with less stress, frustration and confusion.

  • Our practice questions are more true to the exam than those offered by other providers, so you'll know exactly where you stand and what you need to do to improve.

  • Our videos are more engaging than those offered by other providers, helping you stay focused on what you need to know to pass.

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Teaching what you need to know to pass!