Crack the CFP Exam Code

You've got the technical knowledge, but you still didn't pass! We hear this all the time....there is a very specific and deliberate way to answer standardized industry exam questions. In this seminar Prof. Gordon will show you how to structure your written answers to give the graders the opportunity to award as many marks as possible - pushing your score over the passing mark!

Seminar details:

  • This is not a content review seminar. The objective is to identify question signals and themes and to learn how to clearly demonstrate the required knowledge by skillfully crafting written answers.

  • The seminar is scheduled for approximately 2.5 hours and all participants will have access to the recording to use for review right up to exam day.

  • The aim is to work through at least 12 questions from full multipart constructed response case studies. Timing will depend on participant questions/feedback. (All participants receive 4 multipart constructed response case studies).

  • The majority of the session time is dedicated to working though sample questions, developing key wording to use on exam day.

Prof. Gordon, CFA, CFP, CIM, MBA, FCSI

A few introductory comments from the seminar instructor.

  • 20 years of experience
  • Standardized exam
  • Get over the passing mark
  • Recorded version available
  • Discount of CFP test bank
  • More seminars will be scheduled!!

Seminar Content

  • 1

    Seminar Welcome Message from Prof. Gordon

    • Welcome from Prof. Gordon

  • 2

    Case Questions

    • 1. Ed and Gloria

    • 2. The Bontas

    • 3. John

    • 4. The Siddiqs

  • 3

    Case Solutions

    • Solutions Ed and Gloria

    • Solution The Bontas

    • Solution John

    • Solution The Siddiqs

  • 4

    Seminar Recording

    • CFP Seminar Presentation

    • How to Answer Constructed Response Questions on the CFP Exam Seminar

  • 5

    Final Thoughts

    • Concluding Comment from Prof. Gordon

Teaching what you need to know to pass!