CFA Level II Alternative Investments

Often CFA exam candidates are overwhelmed by the volume of the Alternative Investments material. Our Alternative Investments study materials will help you build confidence regarding private real estate investments, publicly traded real estate securities, private equity and commodities.

This course cracks the exam code by showing you how to:

  • Calculate Net Operating Income (NOI).

  • Apply the cost approach or sales comparison approach to value real estate.

  • Calculate IRR and leveraged IRR for a real estate investment.

  • Calculate and interpret NAV, FFO and AFFO used in REIT valuation.

  • Calculate and interpret private equity fund measures PDI, RVPI and TVPI.

  • Identify circumstances that lead to a positive or negative roll yield.

  • Use a commodity swap.

CFA Level II Alternative Investments
Course Content

There are 8 sections included in this course:

  • 2

    CFA Study Materials

    • Level II Alternative Investments Welcome

    • Study Notes - Study Session 15

  • 3

    Private Real Estate Investments

    • Private Real Estate Investments Lesson

    • Quick Teaching Video Clips Introduction

    • Max Loan and Equity Dividend

    • Real Estate IRR

  • 4

    Publicly Traded Real Estate Securities

    • Publicly Traded Real Estate Securities Lesson

  • 5

    Private Equity Valuation

    • Private Equity Valuation Lesson

    • Quick Teaching Video Clips Introduction

    • PE Fund

  • 6

    A Note on Valuation of Venture Capital Deals

    • A Note on Valuation of Venture Capital Deals Lesson

    • Quick Teaching Video Clips Introduction

    • VC Deal

    • VC Deal Multi Round

  • 7

    Introduction to Commodities and Commodity Derivatives

    • Introduction to Commodities and Commodity Derivatives Lesson

    • Quick Teaching Video Clips Introduction

    • Contango and Backwardation

  • 8

    Practice Questions

    • Practice Questions Intro

    • Real Estate Quiz

    • Private Equity Quiz

    • Commodities Quiz

Teaching what you need to know to pass!